Template String Converter in Neovim with Treesitter - Phelipe Teles

Template String Converter in Neovim with Treesitter

2 min.
Source code

In this blog post, we’ll see how to use treesitter in neovim to automatically convert a JavaScript string into a template string if it contains ${.

This is similar to the Template String Converter VS Code extension.

Our program should do something like this:

  1. Are we inside of a string? If yes, continue, otherwise exit.
  2. Does that string contain a ${? If yes, continue, otherwise exit.
  3. Replace the surroundings of that string with `.

Here’s the code in a GitHub Gist, in case you’re just interested in that.

Creating Lua module

Let’s begin by creating a Lua module with some boilerplate code:

local M = {} M.convert = function()  --- ...end return M

A Lua module is simply a file with Lua code in a lua directory in our :h runtimepath.

Notice that we create a table and return it at the end. This has the effect that we’ll be able to use that table later on by requiring it, for instance to call the convert function we’d write require("template-string-converter").convert.

Checking if the node under cursor is a string

Let’s first check if we’re inside of a string at the time we call our function:

M.convert = function()  local node = require("nvim-treesitter.ts_utils").get_node_at_cursor()   local is_parent_string = node:parent() and node:parent():type() == "string"   if not (is_string or is_parent_string) then    return  endend

We can get a bunch of information about the node via methods, such as its type. You can learn about every the available methods at :h tsnode.

You may be wondering, is "string" some kind of special value in treesitter? No, I could create a treesitter grammar and call a string “poop”, treesitter wouldn’t care, that’s just the name the developers chose (thanks!).

But sometimes the name of the node you’re interested in might not be so obvious. It helps to inspect the syntax tree with the :TSPlaygroundToggle command of the playground plugin.

A screenshot of neovim's syntax tree representation of a JavaScript program, as implemented in nvim-treesitter's playground plugin.

Find ${ within a string

To check if a string contains a ${, we’ll use :h tsnode:iter_children to iterate through all child nodes and vim.treesitter.get_node_text to get their text, then use Lua’s string.match to check if the text contains ${:

M.convert = function()  --- ...   local has_interpolation = false   for child in node:iter_children() do    local child_text = vim.treesitter.query.get_node_text(child, 0)     has_interpolation = child_text:match("${")     if has_interpolation then      break    end  end   if has_interpolation then    replace_surroundings_with(node, "`")  endend

If we detect that the string contains a ${, we’ll transform the string into a template string by replacing its surroundings with the replace_surroundings_with function.

Replace the string surroundings with `

To do this, we’ll first get the node’s start and end position with :h tsnode:range which we’ll use in nvim_buf_set_text to replace surrounding quotes with `, by calling replace_surroundings_with(node, ”`”).

local replace_surroundings_with = function(node, char)  local start_row, start_col, end_row, end_col = node:range()   vim.api.nvim_buf_set_text(0, start_row, start_col, start_row, start_col + 1, { char })  vim.api.nvim_buf_set_text(0, end_row, end_col - 1, end_row, end_col, { char })end


The least invasive way to use this function is to call it after leaving insert mode (with :h InsertLeave) and after changes in normal mode (:h TextChanged):

if has('nvim')  augroup TemplateStringConverter    autocmd!    autocmd InsertLeave,TextChanged <buffer> lua require("template-string-converter").convert()  augroup ENDendif
Using with InsertLeave event.
Using with TextChanged event.

Using it at every change in insert mode, with :h TextChangedI, would be more tricky.